The committee is responsible for making collective decisions on behalf of the members of the allotment. They manage the formal requirements of running the allotment – things like paying bills… And help steer the general running of the allotment for the benefit of all members. This includes things like site maintenance and organising the shop and social events. In addition to the formal committee, there are lots of members who help out in all sorts of ways. We encourage members to become actively involved in the running of the allotment, beyond just having their own plot. If you can offer help in anyway, or would like to get in touch, please send us a message.

The committee and sub-committees are all standard allotment members who volunteer considerable time and work hard to keep the allotment functioning. Please be patient and considerate when communicating with the committee – abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.

The committee is voted in each year at the AGM. Here are the members of the 2023 / 2024 committee:

Stuart Balkham


Plot 4

Ursula McLaughlin


Plot 43

Rod Webb
Rod Webb


Plot 97

Paul Leadley

Vice Chair

Plot 12a


Plot 78a

Peter Henson

Plot 13a

Matt Kellet

Plot 17a

Jane Hartley
Jane Hartley

Plot 37