Apple Day 2022
Saturday 24th September saw the inaugural Marina Allotments Apple Day – an effort to help use and celebrate more of the many apples grown on the allotment. Members were invited to contribute apples from their plots or just come along to help out as we pressed over 100kg of apples into about 70 litres of juice which was then shared among those who attended and contributed.
It was great to get a big group of members together, and especially good to see some younger families and children getting involved. We also fired up the clay oven and baked some apples and an apple crumble.
The idea was only suggested a couple of weeks ago at the social after the AGM, so a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the day. Special thanks must go to Mat whose press and equipment we used, and whose guidance and knowledge we followed!
Hopefully we can make this an annual event and even bigger next year…