Notice of 2024 AGM

Thursday 19th September, 6pm Members are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting at the communal area of the allotment, 6pm start, then social from 7.30pm with food and drinks provided. If you would like to be nominated for the committee please email Open to any plot holder or associate member As you all…


Maintenance of footpaths between plots on the allotment are the responsibility of the adjacent plot holders. It’s really important that paths are kept clear and safe. Slips and trips are one of the biggest risks to members on the allotment and overgrown, uneven or obstructed paths can be really dangerous to other members who need…

Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting

Thursday 14th September, 6pm Members are invited to the 2023 Annual General Meeting at the communal area of the allotment, 6pm start, then social from 7.3pm with pizza, beers and entertainment! Feel free to bring drinks and snacks to share. If you would like to be nominated for the committee please email Open to…

What Actually Is the Committee?…

What Actually Is the Committee?… A post about what the committee does, why we have one and why we need YOU to help out too… Why is there even a management committee anyway? Marina Allotments is a self managed allotment. This means that the land is owned by Hastings Borough Council, but the allocation of…

Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting

Thursday 15 September – 6pm You are invited to the 2022 Annual General Meeting at the communal area of the allotment, 6pm start, then social from 8pm with pizza, beers and entertainment! Feel free to bring drinks and snacks to share. If you would like to be nominated for the committee please email Open…

Committee Roles & Plot Inspections

Committee Roles For those who weren’t able to be there, we had a successful and positive – if slightly chilly – AGM on 16th September, followed by a social round the pizza oven which didn’t wind up till about 10.30 – I think everyone enjoyed the chance to meet and chat in a relaxed way…

Spider Bites

One of our members, Amanda, who was helping with the composting work last weekend, said she suffered a very nasty bite from a spider, which was probably a False Widow. Her arm swelled up badly and there are two fang marks clearly visible. She is OK now, but this is a warning to wear gloves…

Notes from the Committee 7

Last week we (finally!) held our AGM. Held over a week, members were invited to register participation and raise questions by email, complete an online voting form and then join us for a Zoom meeting at the end of the week. We also had alternative postal options for those who don’t use email. We were…

Notes from the Committee 6

It’s been a while since I posted a blog on behalf of the committee; I had some tech issues which I’ve only recently resolved. I hope everyone reading this has been keeping well in these strange times. The seasons have well and truly changed, with most of the summer harvest finished and most work on…

Notes from the Committee 5

This month at our formal committee meeting, we welcomed five new co-opted members to the committee. It was great to have some fresh enthusiastic members on the Zoom call this week and we’re all looking forward to working together on behalf of all members! Please take a look at the Committee page. As you will…